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Käskyvuori, rising on the northeastern border of the Geopark, is a wonderful and easily accessible scenic spot.

Käskyvuori represents the oldest bedrock in the Geopark area. It is a remnant hill that rises almost 50 meters above its surroundings. The height of the hill above sea level is 187.9 m. It consists of 1.91 billion-year-old granodiorite, which was formed deep inside the earth’s crust at the beginning of the ancient Svekofennian mountain range formation. After its creation, about 10 km of rock has been eroded from the site. The last phase of strong erosion was during the last ice age, when the continental glacier flowing from the north planed the top Käskyvuori, detaching boulders from the bedrock and smoothing the surface.

On the top of Käskyvuori, you can see the cubic jointing typical of granite rocks. Huge boulders have been detached from the top by the continental glacier, in some places only an empty space in the form of a cube is left behind, which is bordered by vertical rock ledges. After the ice age, the top has been washed by the waves of Lake Ancylus.

There are many facilities at Käskyvuori, including a campfire, a campfire pit, an outdoor toilet, a cooking shelter and an observation tower.

Käskyvuori is one of three Lauhanvuori-Hämeenkagas UNESCO Global Geopark sites in Kihniö.

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