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Tampere aims to grow sustainably and be carbon neutral by 2030. Think Sustainably is a service that supports your sustainable choices in Tampere.

Think Sustainably service in Tampere is based on MyHelsinki Think Sustainably service.

 Find more sustainable options – follow the heart


Think Sustainably is your guide to more sustainable choices. It also encourages local companies to take steps towards a climate-friendlier future. Companies participating in Think Sustainably service are marked with a red, heart-shaped label. These companies meet the industry-specific sustainability criteria and are committed to promoting sustainable options to make your visit and everyday life in Tampere a greener one.

Sustainability criteria

Think Sustainably service is based on criteria tailored to Tampere, which have been developed in cooperation with the incubator Demos Helsinki and local experts and stakeholders. Criteria include energy, food and service, and social sustainability, among others.

Take a look at the criteria