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Visit Tampere Ltd is committed to operating responsibly and in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. We aim to incorporate sustainable practices in all areas of our operations, utilizing the following means:

  • Considering sustainable development in our decision-making processes
  • The management is dedicated to promoting sustainable development and allocates resources towards this effort
  • Prioritizing the use of recycled and environmentally friendly materials
  • Minimizing waste by procuring only the necessary amount of products and utilizing existing materials
  • Providing guidance to our staff on recycling and enable sorting at the workplace
  • Encouraging our employees to commute to work by bike, foot, or public transportation whenever possible
  • Increasing the proportion of plant-based food in the catering services of the events we organize
  • Providing training to our staff, partners, and congress and event organizers
  • Developing a responsible tourism program in collaboration with Visit Finland
  • Encouraging our partners to commit to the principles of sustainable development in their operations
  • Communicating the sustainability achievements of our partners

In the future, Tampere will be recognized as one of the world’s most responsible tourism, congress, and event cities. Our goal is to achieve a position in the top 10 of the Global Destination Sustainability Index cities. We will achieve this goal by collaborating with local operators.

Visit Tampere Ltd implemented the Ekokompassi environmental system in 2019. The system is in use by several units and subsidiaries of the City of Tampere. We aim to systematically enhance the sustainability of our operations and serve as a trailblazer for the region’s tourism operators and businesses.