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Get to know Tampere Philharmonic’s concerts and ticket information better on the Philharmonic’s own website!

September 2024

27.9. Season opening: Titan
29.9. Afternoon of Fauns: And transfigured was the night…

October 2024

4.10. Golden Classics
10.10. Fidelio
12.10. Fidelio
25.10. Bruckner 200
27.10. Afternoon of Fauns: From the edges of the world

November 2024

1.11. Turbulent Times
8.11. Musical Miracle
15.11. Echoes of Kyiv
22.11. Americana
29.11. Paul Lewis & Beethoven III

December 2024

6.12. Independence Day Concert – Melodies in Blue and White
8.12. Afternoon of Fauns: Finnish mindscapes
13.12. Händel: Messias

All times of the event