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Mokkamestarit offers its coffee and tea-thirsty customers an exceptionally diverse range of products. Fine products and competent service come together on Verkatehtaankatu. Mokkamestarit supplies freshly roasted coffee to tickle the taste buds from its own roasting factory. Ingredients gathered from around the world are processed by hand into first-rate coffee in Tampere.

Mokkamestarit’s passion for tea has led it to create its own Teetaikurit brand, guaranteeing a whole range of top grades and freshness. Teetaikurit is synonymous with good tea, boasting the best from the tea cultures of Japan, China, Korea and India. Mokkamestarit’s teas originate in quality tea houses. Our teas include black, green, oolong and white tea, and rooibos.

Have a cup as a takeaway or make some delicious purchases!

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