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Spy Museum

Tampere is called the city of unusual and weird museums. Say, did you know that it hosts the world’s first and Europe’s only Spy Museum? Here, you will learn about the methods and techniques the legendary spies used. Here you can examine real bugs, cipher machines, spy cameras, CIA’s radio sets suitable for intercontinental traffic, rare ground listening devices and over 400 other espionage gadgets. At Spy Museum, you can even legally run a program that steals e-mails. Take a spy test, have your spy skills accessed and receive a certificate along with a recommendation to the intelligence service that suits you best!

Address: Satakunnankatu 18, Siperia building at Finlayson

Milk Platform Museum

The Velaatta Milk Platform is one of Tampere’s most unusual museums. The museum is also the smallest museum in Europe and the only of its kind. A former milk reception center, which was used to receive milk, represents a living history of Finnish culture. The Museum is located 50 km from Tampere, in the countryside along the road, and is open from June to October daily all the time. The theme of exhibition is changed every year.

The museum is situated on the road 338 Tampere-Ruovesi. The address is Velaatantie 551

Finnish Hockey Hall of Fame

The Finnish Hockey Hall of Fame is in rare company – there are only six museums in the world dedicated to ice hockey! The one in Museum Centre Vapriikki specializes, of course, in Finland’s history in the game. Surely ice hockey fans around the world will appreciate some of the memorabilia the exhibition displays, though! It also scratches the surface of ice hockey’s development internationally.

Museum Centre Vapriikki, Alaverstaanraitti 5

Postal Museum

Tampere also has the only Postal Museum in Finland. The new permanent exhibition will open in 2026. In addition to the permanent exhibition, the museum organizes special exhibitions with different themes and interesting events. At the Postal Museum, you can admire the vast collection of stamps, pictures and objects.

The Postal Museum is situated in Museum Centre Vapriikki

Locomotive Museum

In Akaa’s Locomotive Museum, you will find steam locos and both big and small diesel locos. The Locomotive Museum can be seen as a cross section of Finnish locomotive industry history. Locomotive Museum displays 12 locos starting from the 1950’s and it specializes in old diesel locomotives.

Address: Ryödintie 3, Akaa