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Fall is an excellent season to pack up your fishing gear and head to Tampere Region, also known as “Zanderland”! Ismo Kolari from Fisheries Centre of the Tampere Region, an expert on the local fishing waters, gave us his top 5 tips for fall fishing in Tampere and region: 
1. Head to Näsijärvi lake. Zander season is still on, and when the water cools down a bit it’s the best time for salmon.
2. Try your luck in Tammerkoski rapids. Almost all other rapids destinations in the region are closed for trout protection but in Tammerkoski you can still fish apart from the starting end of the rapids. Try for salmon and trout near Kehräsaari building, around the lowest dam in the rapids. Also try for whitefish with a fly. Make sure your trout measures at 40 cm minimum!
3. Ruovesi lake is a good water for pike and as the fall season is on, you can also catch zander and perch with a jig. A vertical jig is also good, especially for zander.
4. In Kulo-Rautavesi lakes you can catch zander and perch with a jig, and maybe some asp and pike as well.
5. Go to the smaller waters and mid-sized lakes that the region is full of. Many of them are excellent for catching some big pikes in the fall season!
Read more about fishing licences and other practical things in our article Fishing in Tampere. For accommodation, check Cottage Holiday in Tampere Region.